


Probe into the Essence of MBSR Group- Comparison with Group Therapy or Group Counselin


胡君梅(Jin-Mei Hu);吳毓瑩(Yuh-Yin Wu)


正念 ; 正念減壓 ; 團體治療 ; 團體諮商 ; 團體訓練 ; clinical humanities ; cultural counseling ; psychotherapy ; indigenous clinical psychology




58期(2013 / 06 / 01)


233 - 250




創立於1979年的正念減壓(MBSR)團體訓練,開啟了正念介入進入主流醫療領域的新頁。1998 年從正念減壓發展出來的正念認知治療(MBCT),讓正念介入廣泛地受到心理治療領域的重視。不論是正念減壓或正念認知治療,兩者都是以團體的形式存在,於是很容易產生「正念減壓即為團體治療」的誤解。然而,治療團體與正念減壓團體其實是相當不同的,實不宜劃上等號。本研究始於我第一次帶領正念減壓課程,當時剛好就讀心理諮商研究所且遇到團體諮商課程的督導,過程中的種種激發我不斷思索與體驗正念減壓團體與治療或諮商團體的異同。歷經兩年的沉澱與多次的帶領經驗,本文試著從兩者的理論層面、團體發展歷程、團體療效因子、帶領者與成員的關係等四大層面,探索治療/諮商團體與正念減壓團體的差異。


This paper describes the clinical humanities- a discipline which lies at the junction of medicine, psychotherapy, and the humanities- with a particular emphasis on how it can serve to increase the depth and breadth of our understanding of suffering and healing. In as much as the ”site of suffering” is characterized by the flow and transformation of energy, the clinical humanities serves as a catalyst of healing energy. The main idea is to use the approaches of thehumanities and social sciences to understand the abundant information which exists at the site of suffering to create a dynamic field of energy which has the capacity to bring about healing and transformation.In this paper we also present the development and scope of cultural counseling, a concrete and practical application of the clinical humanities. We also investigate how the humanities and psychology can be restored to their roots and become more relevant to the human predicament. Taking the life-world as the proper site of counseling, we explore the forms of healing which take place there. In doing so, we make a preliminary sketch of indigenous psychology and cultural healing, at the same time unfolding the diverse possibilities entailed by the indigenization of psychological counseling.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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