


Rape Myths: Acceptance and Propagation


黃軍義(Jiun-Yih Hunag)


強暴迷思 ; 強暴迷思的延伸 ; 強暴迷思的認同 ; rape myths ; acceptance of rape myths ; propagation of rape myths




58期(2013 / 06 / 01)


67 - 101






This study investigates three issues regarding rape myths: the degree of acceptance of rape myths among Taiwanese college students; the associations between rape myths, background variables and social desirability; and whether rape myths propagate from rape victims and offenders to their families and friends. A representative national sample of college students was selected using a random sampling procedure. 1,455 participants (732 male, 723 female) were recruited for data collection. Results showed that acceptance of the rape-offender myth was higher than that of the rape-victim myth; that acceptance of rape myths was higher among male college students than their female counterparts; and that acceptance rates were higher in private universities than in public ones. It was also found that age, parental education, and urban/rural backgrounds have no influence on acceptance to rape myths. Social desirability and acceptance of rape myths yielded a weak positive correlation, indicating that acceptance may be a socially desirable response. In addition, participants with higher degrees of rape myth acceptance frequently showed higher degrees of extended rape myth acceptance as well, and rape myths and extended rape myths are conceptually convergent. This confirms that rape myths propagate from rape victims and offenders to their families and friends. Finally, the results, limitations of this study, and directions for future study are addressed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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