


The Role of Clinical Psychologists in Hospice Palliative Care


范聖育(Sheng-Yu Fan);林維君(Wei-Chun Lin)


安寧緩和療護 ; 生命末期照顧 ; 臨床心理師 ; 臨床心理師的角色 ; hospice palliative care ; end-of-life care ; clinical psychologists ; role of clinical psychologists




59期(2013 / 12 / 01)


161 - 202






Hospice palliative care provides biopsychosocial care to terminal patients for improving their quality of life. Clinical psychologists may make significant contributions in this field. The aim of this study was to describe and explore the role and work of clinical psychologists in hospice palliative care in Taiwan. Nine clinical psychologists participated this qualitative study and a semi-structured interview was used to collect data (range: 43 minutes to two hours 17 minutes). The interview guidelines included job contents, working approaches or processes, teamwork with other medical staff, difficulties in work and methods of coping, and the essential abilities and educational needs. Three themes were identified: First, flexibility of structure in facing the impedance of death. Clinical psychologists provide care in various patterns in hospice palliative care. Second, variety of working content: the work of clinical psychologists include the care of patients, support of families, collaboration with other medical staff, promotion of hospice in communities, and research. Third, the dynamic care process: three stages of care processes were identified, including assessment, intervention, and evaluation. In addition to professional abilities, clinical psychologists need to be caring and flexible and possess the ability of transformation. Fourth, self-reflection and challenges: the participants reflected on their limitations of professional abilities, and how they overcome them. In addition, they also face challenges from the external environment and through personal issues. Future research may focus on the effectiveness of the working model, specific skills of psychosocial interventions in this field.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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