


Institutional Care of Dementia: From Day Care Services to Nursing Homes


謝沛錡(Pei-Chi Hsieh);林麗嬋(Li-Chan Lin)


失智症照護 ; 機構照護 ; 日間照護 ; 護理之家 ; dementia care ; institutional care ; adult day care ; nursing home




60期(2014 / 06 / 01)


85 - 113




由於醫療科技延長壽命,少子女化與家庭型態改變,使得人口高齡化不啻是台灣,也是全球關注的議題。隨著壽命延長,失智症的盛行率也增加。失智症病程漫長,行為與精神症狀常出現在不同病程的失智症,造成家庭照顧者的照顧負荷,導致家屬將失智長者送至機構照護。為提供優質的照護,依據病程需要發展各種 照護服務方案相當重要。因此,本文將從失智症面臨的照護困境、家屬的照顧負荷、日間照護的發展及機構照護的發展與挑戰做進一步的剖析。


An ageing population has become a societal concern not only in Taiwan, but globally. Factors influencing this change include advances in medical treatments that extend life for both acute and chronic diseases, decreasing fertility rates, changes in family structure, increasing long-term care demands, and financial issues. Due to a growing ageing population, the prevalence of dementia has been steadily increasing in Taiwan. The effects and treatment of dementia can last for many years. Common and significant behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) often occur at difference phases of the illness, which add to the family's care-giving burden and ultimately this results in the choice of institutionalization. To provide better care for different stages and severities of dementia, the development of various long-term care services is essential. This article presents the present situations, difficulties and prospects of dementia care, family care burden, day care service, and the development of special care units in long-term care facilities in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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