


My Knowledge Generation through Self-Narrative Inquiry in Praxis




林香君(Hsiang-Chun Lin)


反身性探究 ; 反映性敘說 ; 自我敘說研究 ; 參與典範 ; 實踐取向 ; self-narrative inquiry ; praxis orientation ; reflective narrative ; reflexive inquiry ; participatory paradigm




63期(2015 / 12 / 01)


189 - 238




我對自我敘說研究的認識是透過實踐而來,本文藉敘說我三段「實踐—認識」的脈絡以分享我對這個方法的辨識與方法論取向位置的選擇。第一循環是1996博論創作期間初次使用自我敘說研究而意外經歷了反身重構,從而從實證主義的唯一固定真實假設轉向多重真實與知識的社會建構特性的認識。第二循環是1999投身田野協作的行動經驗後再返回學術場域進行回觀,發現1.「實踐取向」與「詮釋現象取向」在「置身處境」與使用敘說方法上的重大差異;以及2.敘說服務於行動反思與敘說服務於意義建構在目的與作用上的差異性。第三循環是從2005年開始與社群發展協作後,發現自我敘說研究之於社會實踐的重要價值在於轉化一個人自發性地啟動個我覺解、行動發聲、組織學習與社群協作的四種社會實踐學習進程,並辨識反映性敘說在參與典範的實踐性方法哲學定位。最後,對照Lincoln & Guba五典範分類對台灣出現的四種自我敘說研究型態,從典範從屬、分析程序、目的/作用的立場提出討論,以說明我將自我敘說定位於實踐取向的思辨與選擇。


The present essay is a methodological reflection on self-narrative inquiry through the view of Praxis, following three dialectical circulations within the time line of the author’s self-narrative inquiry. The first circulation starts with a reflexive inquiry using self-narrative during the writing of the author’s doctoral dissertation, resulting in an impact on self-reframing and realization toward multiple truth and knowledge social construction. The second circulation is participation in educational reform action experiences in a high school, during which the author identified the differences between praxis and hermeneutic phenomenology, as well as the differences between critical-ethnographical self-narrative and reflexive self-narrative inquiry in praxis orientation. The third circulation details, through collaborations with the action research community and participation in the praxis of collective narrative society learning, deeper understanding of the four kinds of social praxis that construct the important social value of self-narrative: self-conscientization, autonomous action, organization learning and cooperative community participation, all of which aid personal development. In closing, this essay discusses the four types of self-narrative research in Taiwan over the past decade and compares them to the five paradigm categories proposed by Lincoln and Guba to further justify the choice of placing this self-narrative research within a practical, participatory paradigm.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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