


Recognition, Identification, and Manipulation: The Masculine Image as Professional Coping Strategy for Male Nurses in a Predominantly Female Profession




徐宗國(Tsung-Kuo Hsu)


工作的微觀分析 ; 情境管理 ; 形象 ; 紮根理論研究法 ; 男護士 ; micro-analysis of work ; situation management ; grounded theory approach ; image ; male nurses




65期(2016 / 12 / 01)


129 - 196






Through a micro-analysis of the work of male nurses, the present study explores the professional conditions and processes in which male nurses outperform their female counterparts. This study proposes that male nurses recognize, identify with and manipulate their masculine image and identity, and in so doing, find a niche for themselves within a predominantly and stereotypically female profession. We collect and analyze interview data according to the principles of the grounded theory approach with a purpose of seeking previously hidden connections between the obvious and the unacknowledged. Our research findings suggest that attempts to empower female nurses by enrolling them in self-assertiveness programs in the hopes of balancing out the advantages in nurse-patient and nurse-physician relations that male nurses achieve are ineffective. Gender factors long hidden in the nursing profession indeed play an important role in explaining why the majority of nurses, being female, encounter difficulties and professional predicaments at work. The present study maintains that insights from sociology and feminism can enable nurses to look beyond their day-to-day professional environments and uncover a gender hierarchy that works for the benefit of male nurses at the macro-level of society. Only when and if we come to terms with how these gender factors operate can we solve larger problems inherent in the nursing (and larger medical) professions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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