


Stay Put or Venture West? Cohort Differences in Self-Views and Their Associations with Expected Benefits of Expatriating to Mainland China: A Study of Taiwanese Adults




周君倚(Chun-Yi Chou);陸洛(Luo Lu)


社會取向自我觀 ; 個人取向自我觀 ; 外派之預期效益 ; social orientation ; individual orientation ; expected benefits of expatriating to Mainland China




68期(2018 / 04 / 01)


187 - 231




本研究目的在探討台灣不同世代全職工作者在自我觀,以及預期外派中國大陸之效益上的差異。我們利用2010年「台灣地區社會變遷基本調查」(Taiwan Social Change Survey, TSCS)資料進行分析,並以全職工作者(樣本數1238人)為研究對象。結果發現,出生於1970年前的「年長世代」工作者(共615人),社會取向自我觀顯著高於「年輕世代」工作者(出生於1970年後,共623人);而年輕世代工作者的個人取向自我觀則顯著高於年長世代工作者。此外,年輕世代工作者對於預期外派中國大陸之效益的正面認知,顯著高於年長世代工作者。最後,在年輕世代工作者中,個人取向自我觀與預期外派中國大陸之效益間有正向關聯。


In this study, data from the 2010 Taiwan Social Change Survey was used to examine the impact of political and economic transition in Taiwan on two cohorts pertaining to their self-views as well as expected benefits of expatriating to Mainland China. A total of 615 full time workers born before 1970 and 623 born after 1970 were included in the analysis. Our results showed that (1) the older cohort (those born before 1970) tended to have stronger social orientation than the younger cohort (those born after 1970); (2) the younger, on the other hand, cohort tended to have stronger individual orientation than the older cohort; (3) the younger cohort expected greater benefits of expatriating to Mainland China than their older counterparts; and (4) among the younger cohort, there was a positive relationship between individual orientation and expected benefits of expatriating to mainland China, whereas the same association was non-significant among the older cohort.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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