


An Examination of the Validity of "Happy Businesses": Examples of Taipei Selections




黃上銘(Shang-Ming Huang);顏志龍(Chih-Long Yen)


工作滿意 ; 主觀幸福感 ; 快樂 ; 客觀幸福感 ; happiness ; job satisfaction ; objective well-being ; subjective well-being




68期(2018 / 04 / 01)


99 - 129




本研究主要在於檢驗現行幸福企業評選指標之效度,並藉此檢驗主觀幸福感及客觀幸福感測量指標之幅合效度(convergent validity)問題。近年來由於正向心理學和健康職場的概念興起,人們開始追求幸福、健康職場,因而有「幸福企業」評選機制的產生;然而研究者發現現行「幸福企業」評選指標幾乎皆以客觀指標作為測量依據,未必能夠真正反映員工的幸福感;因此本研究透過成對抽樣的方式,進行幸福企業與一般企業的比較,來了解客觀指標的評選是否反映員工的主觀幸福感。本研究取樣幸福企業(N = 113人,47%)和一般企業員工(N = 128人,53%)。研究結果顯示:幸福企業員工在主觀幸福感上,與一般企業無顯著差異,顯示現行幸福企業評選指標並未真正反映員工幸福感。此外,這亦顯示主觀幸福感和客觀幸福感可能測量不同的建構。本研究希望可將此研究結果,用於提供未來評選指標建立,與企業營造員工幸福感之參考依據。


The purpose of this study was to examine the validity of present happy businesses selections, and to test the convergent validity between subjective and objective well-being. Due to the emphasis on positive psychology and healthy workplaces, there have been growing concerns on evaluating the degree of well-being that organizations can provide for their employees. Therefore, "happy business" selection mechanisms are booming. However, the authors found that the selection criteria of "happy businesses" was mostly based on objective criteria which may ignore the subjective feelings of employees. This study used pair-design to compare the subjective wellbeing of employees of happy businesses with their counterparts, and to test whether the objective selection criteria reflect subjective the well-being of employees. One hundred and thirteen employees of "happy businesses" and one hundred and twenty-eight employees of general (not chosen as "happy") businesses participated in the study. No significant differences of subjective well-being between happy businesses and general businesses were found. The results showed that the present happy businesses selection criteria cannot adequately reflect the subjective well-being of employees. Also, our results imply that subjective and objective well-being might be distinct constructs. The authors suggest that subjective criteria should be included in future "happy business" selection procedures.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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