


Autonomy in decision-making in the terminal medical care: A patient-centered perspective




何雪綾(Hsueh-Lin Ho);林耀盛(Yaw-Sheng Lin)


末期決策 ; 以病人為中心的照顧 ; 自主 ; 折衷自我 ; 關係自主 ; 醫病關係 ; autonomy ; composite self ; decision-making in terminal care ; patient-centered care ; patient-physician ; relationship ; relational autonomy




72期(2020 / 06 / 01)


91 - 130






This article focuses on the preservation of the patients' autonomy in the Taiwanese context. People in modern Taiwan inherit the Confucian tradition and are experiencing the Western cultural influence. Their unique experiences of autonomy in relationships may shed light on how individuals' autonomy may be preserved in healthcare settings. We reviewed "autonomy" and "self-views" in different cultural contexts and juxtaposed constructs of feminist relational autonomy and East Asian autonomy with that of the individualistic autonomy. Both feminist relational autonomy and East Asian autonomy emphasize autonomy in relationships, but their foci are different: feminist relational autonomy focuses on the individuals, whereas East Asian autonomy focuses on the families. Their differences lie in their different underpinning self-views. For clinical professionals to preserve a patient's autonomy, they need to understand the patient's self-view and appreciate individual differences. As the understanding of self-views is a prerequisite to preserve/uphold a patient's autonomy in one's cultural context, we further discussed self-views and autonomy in the context of the patient-physician interactions and offered suggestions for clinical professionals.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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