


Income Increase Effect on Income Preferences of Mate Selection: Re-exam the Argument between Evolutionary Theory and Social Structure Theory




張榮富(Jung-Fu Chang);莊景雅(Ching-Ya Chuang)


性別差異 ; 所得偏好 ; 結構性權力弱勢假說 ; 演化論 ; 擇偶偏好 ; gender difference ; income preference ; mate selection ; structure powerlessness hypothesis




75期(2021 / 12 / 01)


45 - 86






There are two issues in the study of "gender difference of income preference in mate selection". The first issue is "whether women prefer income more than men do". The second is "As economic differences between men and women diminish, will gender difference of income preference diminish too". Evolutionary theory and social structure theory deduce completely different predictions in the second issue. This study uses the data mining technique with data from a dating web site in China to re-examine the prediction pertaining to the effect of the individual's income on income preference in mate selection. We found that for both men and women, as their income increased, they were more willing to accept prospective partners whose income were less or equal to theirs. This result supports the prediction of "structural powerlessness hypothesis" in socio-structural perspective, however, is different from findings in previous studies using self-report questionnaires.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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