


The Mediation Process of Voluntary Learning Behavior of Employees: The Role of Psycho-social Work Dependency and Work Involvement




李慧潔(Hui-Chieh Li);梁竣凱(Jyun-Kai Liang)


工作投入 ; 心理-社會工作依賴 ; 自願學習行為 ; 自我曼陀羅模式 ; 華人成就動機 ; Chinese achievement motivation ; Mandala model of self ; psycho-social work dependency ; voluntary learning behavior ; work involvement




77期(2022 / 12 / 01)


1 - 51




幫助員工展現出「自願學習行為」(Voluntary learning behavior),能夠讓組織在動態的複雜環境中繼續保有競爭力,鼓勵員工自願學習是一個現代化企業不可或缺的人力資源發展策略;然而,目前仍只有少數研究探討為何員工願意於職場上產生自願學習行為,且過往的研究強調組織的責任-提供良好環境以促使員工學習,但忽略個人的義務-主動積極性的學習促發因子。本研究以華人成就動機理論為基礎,提出一個以心理-社會工作依賴為前置變數、工作投入為中介變數影響自願學習行為的雙因素中介模式,解釋自願學習行為的自我內在發生機制。本研究蒐集1,314位台灣員工樣本,應用結構方程模式進行驗證。結果顯示,本研究所提出之中介模式受實徵資料所支持。本研究結果,除可增加現有理論對於員工自願學習行為的解釋外,實務面上亦可對組織提出相關建議用以促進員工的自願學習行為。


The voluntary learning behavior of employees indicates the organization may maintain its momentum and competitiveness as a human resource development strategy. Unfortunately, studies concerning voluntary learning behavior are few. Most prior research emphasize the organization's responsibility to provide supportive environment to facilitate employee learning, yet overlook the obligation for employees to be proactive on their learning. Drawing on the Chinese achievement motivation theory, this study proposes the two-factor of psycho-social work dependency as the antecedent and work involvement as the mediator to influence voluntary learning behavior among employees. Empirical data was collected by a survey of 1,314 employees working in private enterprises in Taiwan. Structural equation modeling was used to validate the proposed model. The results show that the relationships among psycho-social work dependency, work involvement and voluntary learning behavior are validated. Theoretical contribution and practical implications are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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