


Effects of Grit on Work-Family Conflict Among Military Personnel




張皓(Hoa Chang);熊師瑤(Shih-Yao Hsiung)


工作家庭衝突 ; 恆毅力 ; 軍隊 ; 憂鬱傾向 ; 離職傾向 ; work-family conflict ; grit ; military ; depressive tendency ; turnover intention




78期(2023 / 06 / 01)


111 - 161






Military service system transformation has caused heavy workloads and work-family conflict among professional military personnel, resulting in the vicious circle of increased turnover intention and shortage of man power. Recent studies have demonstrated that positive traits such as grit may help to address issues facing military personnel. To construct the model and explore the moderation effect of grit, 884 military personnel completed self-report questionnaires on work-family conflict, grit, burnout, depressive tendency, and turnover intention. Structural equation modeling and regression analysis using PROCESS macro were used to test the model. While gender is not a significant contributor to work-family conflict, marriage, age, and ranks are. Work-family conflict is negatively correlated with burnout but positively associated with depressive tendency and turnover intention. Grit mitigated the effect of work-family conflict on depressive tendency, but not that on turnover intention. Practical implications for military guidance, education, and future research are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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