Home care is one of the long term care services, and pressure ulcers are the common health problems among the homecare recipients. The wound healing rate was 12.69% since October/2012 to March/2013, and nearly one-third recipients with pressure ulcers had poor prognosis that was strongly associated with precise wound care techniques conducted by immigrant home-service workers. After setting up a project team and discussing about the improvement plans, four strategies made up to increase the wound healing rates to 19.03% : (1) held pressure ulcers on-job training class,(2) made checklists on wound care management monthly,(3) made a bilingual communication booklet,(4) revised the contents of education sheets,(5) connected with community resources. As a result, the wound healing rate was 42.3% and suggested that the successful project could being an example to the peers. In the future, ally with community health services to promote the accessibility and continuity of care and achieve quality of life to the elderly
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