


Reflections on the Tribal Kitchen Project: A Case Study about Culture Care in Taiwan




黃盈豪(Ying-Hao Haung)


文化照顧 ; 團結經濟 ; 原住民社工 ; 社區工作 ; 長期照顧 ; culture care ; solidarity economy ; indigenous social work ; community work ; long-term care




20卷3期(2016 / 12 / 01)


213 - 228




社會工作在原住民部落的實施,不僅是國家科層體系行政的末稍,更常是國家機器行使社會控制的工具,社會工作的實施過程如何更謹慎,勿把主流價值觀強加於原住民服務對象上,或是以掌握資源的優勢地位成為國家同化和控制原住民的幫兇一直是值得原住民社會工作者反思的議題。Ballard-Kent 和Cromwell(1985)也指出,成功的社工助人者取決於是否能有效運用原住民部落既有的協助機制與親友網絡,因為原住民社會中強調以家庭及社區為依歸的自我認同,以及相互依賴與共同照顧的社會倫理,大安溪部落共同廚房即是社會工作嘗試與在地泰雅文化對話和學習的案例,更是社會工作領域嘗試「文化照顧」相關工作手法的重要實踐經驗。本文將從臺灣原住民社會工作的跨文化反思談起,耙梳從1999 年九二一地震後,社工駐點到原鄉部落中開始大安溪部落共同廚房部落共同照顧與實踐團結經濟的嘗試,從泰雅族原住民部落的日常生活經驗和傳統文化得到的啟發,反思發展文化照顧的可能路徑。


The implementation of social work in indigenous tribal communities is not only a tip of the State's bureaucratic system but also often functions as tool of social control of the state apparatus. How could the implementation of social work avoid the imposition of mainstream values on indigenous peoples or become accessory to the State's assimilation and control powers, as it is privileged with abundance of resources, have long been crucial questions for indigenous social works to reflect upon. The key of doing well social work with indigenous people is applying the local and traditional helping system embedded in the tribal culture. It is because most indigenous societies emphasize the ethical principles about mutual reciprocity and collective care in the families and villages. Da-an River Tribal Community Work Station started the dialogue between the indigenous culture and social work through the community care project, tribal kitchen. This article begins with the experience at the co-op kitchen at the Da-an River tribal community of the Atayal people to examine the reality of cross-culture social work in indigenous communities. It focuses on the process and challenges in conducting culture care and solidarity economy projects in Taiwan.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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