Family caregivers play the most important role as primary care providers in long-term care system. With the coming of aging society, the phenomenon of aged caregivers is prevailed nowadays. Although the current official policy of long-term care offers different levels of service options according to degree of disability of the disabled person, it lacks in considering the divergent needs of care-givers for their various age. Therefore, the objective of this study is to compare the needs and the current care-giving status between aged and non-aged family caregivers. Adopting a questionnaire survey, we collected data from 76 aged and 119 non-aged caregivers and then investigated the difference between the two groups of age. The results indicated that while both aged and non-aged family caregivers indeed received heavy pressures in care-giving, the needs for them were not the same. For most non-aged subjects, considering their simultaneous needs in coping with work and care-giving, it was advised to create friendly workplace environments such as flexible working hours and paid family care leaves. However, aged family care-givers were often poor educated, aware of their bad health condition, suffering from disease frequently, encountering large amount of difficulties in many care-giving items, and less satisfied with care service. Aged care-givers also took care of higher-aged care-receivers in average, spent more hours for family care each day, and took more years to look after their receivers. It is suggested that aged-caregivers need higher level of concern and assistance in many ways, such as increasing home service hours, directing care-giving skills at home, telephone consulting to care problems, and providing home visit service by volunteers.
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