This written work focuses on an 85 year old visually impaired individual who was forced to relocate twice within 6 months due to becoming visually impaired. It also provides details on care provided for the elderly individual who suffered from relocation stress syndrome, induced by the sense of insecurity and anxiety in relocating. From June 3rd - Sept 3rd 2016 nursing period, overall assessment is conducted through five perspectives. By referring to data collected through observation, conversation, direct care and medical reports, it has been confirmed that the elderly individual suffers from relocation stress syndrome, inability to self-care and social isolation. The writer witnessed the individual suffer from paranoia and anxiety due to being unable to adapt to the new environment, which is why a strong bond was established, so as to enhance the individual's trust of the working staff. The staff engaged in conversation with the individual, listened to the individual's needs, provided moral support and a sense of reality, in addition to companionship in exploring the living environment. As the individual was visually impaired and incapable of going to the toilet, staff members tailored a customized training which focuses on reablement and the ability to self-care, thereby achieving the "Three No" principle - No diapers, no restrictions, no bedridden life. The individual refused on multiple occasions to participate in activities and was reluctant to interact with other residents. After identifying the reasons, the individual was encouraged to participate in activities such as outdoor travel and singing competitions. Positive encouragement and support was given in allowing the individual to regain self-confidence and stimulate social interaction, ultimately improving living quality.
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Meehan, R.,Shura, R.(2016).Resident's perspectives on living with vision impairment in long term: an unseen factor in quality of life and appropriateness of care.Journal of Nursing Home Research,2,34-40.
Melrose, S.(2013).Relocation stress in long term care: how staff can help.Canadian Nursing Ноme,24(1),16-19.
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