This study purpose was to explore the long-term care personnel's perception, attitudes, and willingness to care for patients with tuberculosis, scabies, and AIDS. We also evaluated the effect of a short educational program. This study employed a pre- and post-test design for personnel of long-term care institutions after they received educational training on infectious diseases to identify the perceptions, attitudes and willingness to care with a questionnaire. A total of 95 participants were recruited. The percentage of long-term care personnel subjectively to feel having adequate education and training were 41.1% for scabies, 35.8 %for tuberculosis and 18.9% for AIDS. The correction perception percentage were 92.6% for scabies, 87.4% for AIDS and 76.5% for tuberculosis. The willingness to care infectious diseases cases differed, while scabies scored the highest, tuberculosis ranked the second, and the lowest score was for AIDS. After the short-term educational training, the results of the post-test revealed significant improvements in long-term care personnel's willingness to care for patients with tuberculosis, scabies, and AIDS, while no significant change on perceptions and attitudes was found. The willingness to care infectious diseases ranked from high to low were scabies, tuberculosis and AIDS. The rank is the same with regard to the subjective feeling of adequate education and training. This study's sample size is small and it may not be possible to deduce the actual effect of education. However, it is recommended that educational training on infectious diseases improved the willingness to care.
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