With an increasingly aging population and the complexity of the healthcare and long-term care support systems in Taiwan, demands for family caregivers to provide care for family members with chronic illnesses are rapidly rising. Caregivers usually feel unprepared for their caregiving roles and they need appropriate, timely, on-going education and support to successfully meet their responsibilities. There are increased needs of developing web-based interventions for family caregivers, but there are no reviews of web-based applications for caregivers in Taiwan. The article describes the experiences of developing an online blog on educational support for readers (including family caregivers or others) through cooperating with multidisciplinary experts. From 2014 to 2017, a total of 9 multidisciplinary experts developed 90 educational sessions that were based on their specialties and posted them bi-weekly through an online magazine blog for readers to review and discuss. High feasibility of online educational blogs was found with a total of 664,923 and an average of 7,388 readers per blog. The most commonly read and discussed topics as indicated by the visitors are: Family Relationships, Caregiving Experiences, Caregiving Stress, Physical, Psychological, and Social Adaptation, and Seniors Care Issues. The main lessons we have learned from this online blog are: (1) the long-term collaborative working experience between multidisciplinary experts and the blog editors, (2) the interactive experience of online blogs and their readers, (3) the impact of online blog on the health literacy of long-term care and caregiving. Web-based applications can offer convenient, low-cost alternatives for the delivery of health information, but also provide social support to caregivers in the broader community. However, evidence-based benefits of web-based applications for family caregivers need to be tested in the future.
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