


The Nurse Experiences for Caring End of Life Patients in Non-Hospice Wards




楊美雲(Mei-Yun Yang);譚蓉瑩(Jung-Ying Tan);王守玉(Shou-Yu Wang)


非安寧病房 ; 護理人員 ; 生命末期照護 ; 不施行心肺復甦術 ; 現象學 ; non-hospice ward ; nurse ; end of life care ; do not resuscitate ; phenomenology




25卷1期(2022 / 12 / 01)


21 - 35






Purpose: Nowadays, the hospice care development in Taiwan is growing stronger. However, the number of end of life patients dying in hospitals are still raising annually. Therefore, improving the quality of end-of-life care has become a crucial topic in Taiwan, particularly because the number of patients receiving hospice care in non-hospice wards has been increasing. This study explored the experience of nurses caring for end of life patients in non-hospice wards. Methods: Hermeneutic phenomenology and purposive sampling were adopted in this study. In total 15 nurses were recruited at a regional teaching hospital in central Taiwan. They were interviewed and data were analyzed by using the "complete-partial-complete" principle of the seven-step descriptive phenomenological data analysis method proposed by Colaizzi(1979). In addition, reflective journals were written for data analysis. This study obtained institutional Review Board (IRB)approval before conducting data collection, follow research ethic four principles, keep data analysis, coding and grouping data in records for future audit. Results: Six themes were emerged from the nurse's experience of providing for the nurse caring end of life care for patients in non-hospice wards: (1)Basic comfort care, (2)Care-related catalysts and obstacles, (3)Different understanding of end of life care and Communication message, (4)Nurses' adversity and turning point, (5)Sense the fatigue of the main caregivers and the conflict of family members, and (6)Spiritual care needs in end-of-life. Conclusions: The experience of nurses caring for end of life patients in non-hospice wards, their common goal is to provide basic comfort care. However, when nurses, doctors and family have different expectations to end of life treatment, it may increase the care burden. In addition, when nurses communicate life and death issues with family, the potential fatigue and emotional distress may occur. Support system and how to self-adjustment are very crucial at this stage.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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