


A University-Based Saturday Enrichment Program: Introduction of Purdue University Super Saturday Program




任恩儀(En-Yi Jen)


充實方案 ; 資優教育中心 ; 社經文化殊異資優學生 ; enrichment program ; gifted education institution ; Low SES and culture diversity students




119期(2011 / 06 / 01)


9 - 16




本文旨在介紹美國以大學資優教育中心為基礎運行的週六資優教育充實方案。以實施34年的週六Super Saturday方案為例,先介紹方案的理念與特色,包含:以普度三階段充實模式(PTSM)為課程設計理論、多樣化的課程、具備專家知識的師資與結合大學資源的優勢等,到方案實際辦理的流程與如何進行成效評估,最後介紹方案近三年來提供社經文化背景殊異資優學生學習機會的HOPE計畫。藉著分析普度大學所提供方案之特色、運作方式、優點及限制,提供國內資優教育學者與實務老師參考如何進行這類周六資優教育充實方案。


This paper was an introduction of the Super Saturday, a Saturday enrichment program at Purdue University. The purpose was to address some important questions in talent development programs in the gifted education area, including the theory framework in program curriculum design, the operation and strengths of such a Saturday enrichment program, the influence of scholarships on gifted and talented learners from low-income backgrounds, and the evaluation of the enrichment program. Also, the paper analyzed the characteristics, strengths and limitations of Super Saturday. Suggestions are made with recommendations for practical applications of such programs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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