


Exploring the Possibilities of Misdiagnosis of Giftedness, ADHD, and ADHD with Giftedness: An Intuitive Decision-Making Perspective




龔韋勳(Wei-Hsun Kung);王文伶(Wen-Ling Wang)


ADHD ; 資優ADHD ; 資賦優異 ; 直覺決策 ; 誤判 ; ADHD ; ADHD with giftedness ; intuitive decision-making ; misdiagnosis




123期(2012 / 06 / 01)


11 - 19






The main purpose of this study was to explore the potential for the misdiagnosis of giftedness, ADHD, and ADHD with giftedness. Participants included 71 preservice special education teachers and counselors, and 23 inservice special education teachers and diagnosticians. They each read the same vignettes describing a hypothetical case of a boy with overlapping behaviors of giftedness, ADHD and gifted ADHD. The researcher then asked participants for a diagnosis, and finally examined their intuitive decision-making and diagnostic evaluations. The results appeared that participants were unaware of the similar characteristics of students who are gifted, ADHD, and ADHD with giftedness, as well as more likely to provide the diagnosis of ADHD. Therefore, ADHD would likely be over diagnosed and may lead to an increase of the possibilities of misdiagnosis.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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