
翻轉思維.翻轉教育~PBL Model應用在國小資優生社會服務之實例


Flipped Thinking, Flipped Education Examples of PBL Model in Social Services for Gifted Students




王琡棻(Shu-Fen Wang)


國小資優生 ; 社會服務 ; 問題解決模式 ; elementary gifted and talented student ; social service ; problem-based learning model




129期(2013 / 12 / 01)


9 - 20




培養優秀人才主動學習、人際互動能力與公民素養等未來關鍵能力是資優教育工作者的首要任務。社會服務被視為培養學生成為未來好公民的有效方法,其強調在真實情境中促進服務者問題解決與團隊合作能力的發展。而問題解決模式亦是引導學生針對真實問題,發展學生問題解決、主動學習與團隊合作等能力,兩者相互符應。故筆者依據Stepien 和Pyke(1997)提出的問題解決模式(Problem-Based Learning/ Project- Based Learning,簡稱PBL)8個步驟,帶領國小六年級資優生進行社會服務,本文係為實施的紀錄與省思,供實務老師參考。


The primary goal of gifted and talented education is to enable individuals to be active learners, successfully developing competence in interpersonal communication skills and civic literacy. Social-learning prepares individuals effectively to become socially responsible citizens in the future and its emphasis on the development of team working and problem solving skills in real life. Similarly, the problem solving model focuses on understanding the problem, used to help students brainstorm possible solutions and develop active learning and team skills in real-life situation. This paper therefore used the ten steps of Problem-Based Learning/Project- Based Learning (PBL) model proposed by Stepien and Pyke (1997) as a stimulus for gifted sixth graders to start learning process in social work. Its implementation and reflections are concluded as a practical reference for teachers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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