This study examines the effects of visual programming language for Arduino courses on elementary gifted students. Subjects were 19 fifth graders gifted in intelligence in elementary school resource classes. In this pre-experimental static-group comparison design, participants in the experimental group were 9 students who first took Arduino lesson with visualized programming, followed by lesson with Arduino Software (IDE) whereas participants in the control group were 10 students who only took Arduino lesion with Arduino IDE. Formative assessment and performative evaluation were conducted. Data were analyzed with Mann-Whitney U tests, variability correlates, and descriptive statistics. The findings were as follows: (1) Visual programming experiences did not affect the students' assessment results either formative or summative. (2) The record chart showed that the students in the experimental group performed better in algorithm, application of technology, and syntax. Both groups made fewer errors in syntax and socket positions in the later stages of the course. (3) Materials for teaching Arduino that are targeted for elementary school gifted classes could be adjusted in terms of content, progression, and environment. Reduce content duplication and focus on the application of algorithms and technology. This study concluded with the designed lessons with a length of 54 sections for beginner, intermediate, and advanced Arduino learners for future researchers and educators.
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