


Comparison of Gifted Education Policies in East Asia: A Study of the Four Asian Tigers




顏瓊雯(Chyong-Wen Yan);吳巧雯(Chiao-Wen Wu)


資優教育政策 ; 資優類別 ; 鑑定方式 ; 課程實施 ; 資優師培 ; gifted education policy ; categories of gifted ; identification ; curriculum ; training of gifted teachers




156期(2021 / 08 / 01)


1 - 12






The four Asian Tigers, Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore, are culturally influenced by Confucian tradition and value the importance of education and talent-cultivation. This paper aims at comparing the similarities and differences among gifted education policies, legislations, funding sources, categories, ways of identification, curriculum and teacher training in these four countries. The findings could be informative to the practices of gifted programs in Taiwan. The findings include that the legal foundation of these gifted education policies is originate d from Marland Report and Gifted and Talented Children’s Education Act in the US. Both gifted and disadvantaged students were in the same stream in Taiwan and Hong Kong while separated in Singapore and Korea. With independent funding for gifted students in Singapore and Korea, the development of gifted programs could be enhanced. All of the four countries adopt the theory of multiple intelligence and come out with various categories. Singapore is the only country applying examination to identify gifted students while others use the multiple channels. As to the gifted curriculum, all countries follow the inclusive education approach to cater the learning need and the need of social interaction of the gifted students in junior high and primary level but elite approach in senior high level. Taiwan is the only country having the well-structured teaching training from undergraduate to doctoral level while others offer workshops only. The future direction of gifted education in Taiwan relies on learning from the advantages of others.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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