To achieve the goal of forging a bilingual nation proposed by the Ministry of Education, schools at all levels in Taiwan have invested in bilingual courses or transformed to bilingual experimental schools. This article used the practical operation of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) bilingual curriculum design in a school to construct a set of feasible bilingual differentiated curriculum procedures, namely: (A) "Drive", based on local cultural communication, setting up thematic life courses to promote the students' desire to learn, (B) "verification": focusing on teaching content knowledge and dealing with language learning burnout, (C) "differentiation": discussing the hierarchical nature of teaching content knowledge and differentiated course design, and (D) "conversion": confirming the timing of bilingual conversion and way to utilize a multi-strategy approach. Through systematic planning, this article provided differentiated instruction in the bilingual classroom, and puts forward reflection and suggestions for related bilingual education.
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