


Seeing My Son Off in the War-the Discussion in the Ethics Poetry of the Beiliu Poets Chen Zhu during the Jiangzhe War Time in the Early Twentieth


陳翎方(Chen Ling Fang)


陳柱 ; 北流詩人 ; 《待焚詩稿》 ; 江浙戰爭 ; 父子倫理詩 ; 詩史 ; Chen Zhu ; Beiliu Poets ; "Dai Fen Shi Gao" ; Jiangzhe War ; Father and son ethics poems ; History of poetry




23期(2017 / 09 / 01)


181 - 201






Chen Zhu, one of the "Beiliu Poets", is an important poet living in the period full of violent battles in the first years of Republic of China. He used to reflect the suffering of Chinese by writing many poems and compositions. This essay will discuss parts of his writings, the Poems Ready to Be Burned by connecting the time to the conditions, relating the poems to the emotions expressed by Chen in the poems. The author of the essay focus on the relationship between Chen Zhu and his son Chen Yi-Bai, the time during the period of The War between LuYongxiang and Qixiyuan, the father’s true sincere love for his son, and his expectation for the son who tried to make use of knowledge and education to save China. Chen Zhu described the suffering of the refugees from Wuxi City by faithfully recording the circumstances of the war and the help from the merchants groups. He tried hard to put emphasis on gathering the memories of the hard time in his writings. Like Tu Fu, the poet of Tang Dynasty, it is also Chen Zhu's important feature to record the fact of the war and the misery of the time in chronological order in his compositions.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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