


The study of Qian Pei Ming and his "A Library Series of Xiao Wan Juan Lou"




錢培名 ; 小萬卷樓叢書 ; 清代 ; 叢書 ; 版本文獻 ; Qian Pei Ming ; A Library Series of Xiao Wan Juan Lou ; The Qing Dynasty ; Ban Ben Xue ; Literature




23期(2017 / 09 / 01)


55 - 71






Qing Dynasty is the golden age of the development of ancient books. Apart from the government-compiled Si Ku Quan Shu, various privately-compiled book collections sprang up like mushrooms, wining over that of in Ming Dynasty in terms of quantity and variety. After the midterm of Quing Dynasy, transcription of ancient book booms, focuses not only on copying itself, but also on organizing, choosing and proofreading. After Opium War, while content of the book collections has become specific, such as epigraphy, and bibliography, some of them are still affected by the aftermath of textual research from Zhang Xue-Cheng, focusing on the carving and proofreading of ancient books. A Library Series of Xiao Wan Juan Lou is a typical example. Given the fact that this book has not been studied yet, we hope present study set as a precedent. We discuss Qian Pei Ming's life story and motivation briefly and investigate how his father's example and influence motivate him to compile A Library Series of Xiao Wan Juan Lou. We also discuss the criteria of books collection, which range from Yule Jue Shu in Han Dynasty to Wulling Shan Ren Zazhe in Qing Dynasty. All seventeen kinds of books indicate that the content is diachronous and across categories. Present study also analyze journals and the collected books. Comparing to Qian Xi Zuo's A Library Series of Shoushan Ge, we will examine how Qian Pei Ming follow his uncle’s modal and what are the modals? It is hope that through this process, we are able to explore the value of this book collection, including the widely-quoted various references, rigid proofreading, and complete the missing articles. For example, completing the lost works of Fu san nian sang and Service for the detailed examination of Chung-Lun is a remarkable milestone, enabling us to see the whole picture and examining Hsu Gan's idea. For the content of the missing articles, present study also gives additional accounts for them. Finally, present study gives A Library Series of Xiao Wan Juan Lou literature positioning based on its ideology of book collection and their features.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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