


Analysis on Lin Zhengda's Yin Kuo Chi




南宋 ; 宋詞 ; 林正大 ; 《風雅遺音》 ; Southern Song Dynasty ; Song Chi ; Lin Zhengda ; Fēngyǎ yí yīn《風雅遺音》




24期(2018 / 10 / 01)


19 - 35




林正大(生卒不詳,約在1200 年前後),南宋專業櫽括詞人,一生詞作皆為櫽括,凡四十一闋,收錄於其自編之《風雅遺音》二卷,卷前有其自序敘述編撰動機。綜觀今日檃括詞之研究,未有針對林正大作品的專篇論述,故本文以《風雅遺音》為本,將其詞作分為檃括之語言來源、好用之詞牌、檃括之內容及檃括之目的等四點論述,藉以推知其詞作檃括之語言來源,主要受到詞人喜好之影響。而詞牌方面,則與個人好豪放之音與所檃括之原作品有關。檃括之內容,則可分為刺時詠賢、好酒多愁及隱逸思想三方面,最後就詞人檃括之目的,探討出其志在抒發,多有應酬以及為炫技逞才而作。綜合上述各點歸納,得出林正大為豪放一派詞人之定位。


Lin Zhengda, whose date of birth and death is unknown, and it's said that the date is around 1200 ago. He is professional poet of Yin Kuo Chi in Southern Song Dynasty, and all of his works could be classified to Yin Kuo Chi. His forty-one works are included in two volume of Fēngyǎ yí yīn《風雅遺音》, which is edited by himself. There is preface in every volume which described his motivation of editing Fēngyǎ yí yīn《風雅遺音》. Looking at the study of today's essays on Yin Kuo Chi, there is no specific discussion on Lin Zhengda's works. Therefore, this article takes Fēngyǎ yí yīn 《風雅遺音》 as its basis, and divided Lin’s works into four point: source of the language of Yin Kuo Chi, the chi pai that are used most often, the content of Yin Kuo, and the purpose of Yin Kuo.By inferring Lin’s work, the source of the language of Yin Kuo Chi is seemed to be mainly influenced by the preferences of poet. In terms of chi pai , it is related to the Haofang songs which is individual-preferred and the original work that is Yin Kuo.The contents of Yin Kuo can be divided into three aspects: satirize politics and praise sage, express melancholy by drinking wine, and thought of seclusion.In the end, the purpose of Yin Kuo is discussed. It suggested that it aimed to express emotion, which might be composed for enterainment, showing off talent. Based on the above-mentioned various points, Lin Zhengda was positioned as a poet of Haofang style.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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