


The Artistic Conception of Sa Tianxi's Poetry




薩天錫 ; 詠物詩 ; 詠懷詩 ; 意境美 ; Sa Tianxi ; poetry of poetry ; poetry of poetry ; beauty of artistic conception




25期(2019 / 12 / 01)


31 - 46






Although the poems of the Yuan Dynasty did not have the splendor of Yuanqu, they were also an important part of the Yuan Dynasty literature. Sa Tianxi is the leader among the poets of the Yuan Dynasty. As a person who has no name in the history of the Qing Dynasty, Sa Tianxi's birth and death years and major deeds are difficult to test, and his poetry collection is an extremely important part of the Yuan Dynasty poetry. The poems are different from other Yuan Dynasty poets who have a majority of entertainment poems, but they are mostly poems, poems, and landscape poems; it is these poems that present high poems with superb artistic standards. Specifically, the artistic conception of Sa Tianxi's poetry and poetry is that it is a kind of emotion, that is, by a thing or a piece of life, to write a poet's ambition, embrace and affection. Sa Tianxi is good at finding images in daily life, pouring emotions or emotions, and thus constructing the artistic conception of daily life. As for the landscape poems, Sa Tianxi concentrated on the natural beauty of Jiangnan and Yuzhong. Among them, the mountains and rivers of Suizhong are known to the world for the first time through Sa Shi; Jiangnan has become a cultural image in Sa Tianxi and has become a symbol of beauty. It is not only beautiful but also in the world of Sa Tianxi. Tianxi often imagines the aesthetic world. The artistic conception of Sa Tianxi's landscape poetry lies in the "vision in the heart", that is, to express the perfect aesthetic world with the mind and the object. However, due to the limited number of words, the landscape poems will have the opportunity to write again in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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