


Agency Structure and Institutional Enforcement: The Enforcement of Zoning Institution in Taiwan




林森田(Sen-Tyan Lin);洪維廷(Wei-Ting Hung)


制度執行 ; 土地使用分區制度 ; 不完全訊息 ; 共同代理 ; 裁量權 ; institution enforcement ; zoning institution ; incomplete information ; common agency ; discretionary power




11期(2004 / 06 / 01)


77 - 107






After the creation of institution, it should be enforced; otherwise it is meaningless. The enforcement of institution is frequently related to the multiple agencies relationship between different levels of governments and constituency. Moreover, institutional enforcement is costly. Most of studies on the zoning institution regarded the enforcement of zoning institution as the consequences of one-principal-one agent relationship, i.e. the interaction between local constituents (landowners) and local governments, and ignored the role of central government. In addition, some papers didn’t distinguish the concept of central government from that of local government are the same. Besides, the problem of information asymmetry does not occur between central and local government. Theses viewpoints different from the real case of the enforcement of the institution will inevitably result in bias. Based on agency theory, this paper intends to analyze the impact of common agency structure upon the enforcement mechanisms of zoning institution, in particular to the exercise of discretionary power. A promising analytical framework will be provided for the investigation of enforcement of institution and policy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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