


A Research on the Dilemma and Choices of Whistle-blowers




黃宏森(Hung-Sen Huang)


行政倫理 ; 倫理困境 ; 弊端揭發者 ; 弊端揭發的難題與抉擇 ; 弊端揭發者保護 ; Administrative Ethic ; Ethic Dilemma ; Whistle-blowing ; the Dilemma and Choices of Whistle-blowers ; The Protection of Whistle-blowers




14期(2005 / 03 / 01)


39 - 78






In recent years, many wrongdoings that had negative impact on the public interest happened in domestic and abroad. The whistle-blowers in the organization are familiar with the operation of those incidents, so that they are regarded as one of the effective resorts to curb the incidents. However, no matter what assessment they have received, the whistle-blowers will face the ethical dilemma-to obey the demand of organizational loyalties or to obey the personal moral judgments. Particularly, they will further encounter with the dangers or risks of organization retaliations, tense personnel relationships, lack of protections, and the uncertainty of legal actions in practice. To explore these issues, the article first reviews the literatures review and presents the content of research. Second, it discusses the ethical basis of whistle-blowing. Third, it analyzes the costs and effectiveness of whistle-blowing and the choices of whistle-blowers. Finally, it concludes with some practical suggestions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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