


The Theory and Practice of Communitarianism: Also Studying the Community Policy in Taiwan




柯于璋(Yu-Chang Ke)


社區主義 ; 社區主義治理模式 ; 市民治理 ; 政策分析 ; 公民社會 ; communitarianism ; communitarianism governance model ; citizen governance ; policy analysis ; civil society




16期(2005 / 09 / 01)


33 - 57






Recently, communities and communitarianism have been very influential in different realms of public affairs, such as environmental protection, urban development, community development, cultural development, community safety, and social welfare. Not only does this trend comply with the development of various disciplines, but also complies with the spirit of the modern society. Under this circumstance, ”community” is becoming the basic unit of public policy. Basically, communitarianism encourages the general public to participate in public affairs and to cultivate the sense of community through the promotion of altruism, fraternity, and service. However, we may not be able to see the whole picture from different perspectives of various disciplines. Therefore, this article is intended to discuss the possibility, limitations, and development of applying communitarianism governance model to the public affairs of communities from the perspective of policy analysis. Hopefully, commmunitarianism can play a more important role in public affairs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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