


An Action Research of Residents' Participation in Planning and Implementation of an Overall Community Empowerment-The case of Miaoli County's Community Planners' Operation Mode




王本壯(Ben-Chaung Wang)


社區總體營造 ; 非政府組織 ; 培力 ; 社區規劃師 ; 行動研究 ; community overall planning ; NGO ; empowerment ; community planner ; action research




17期(2005 / 12 / 01)


1 - 35




台灣從一九九四年開始推動「社區總體營造」,相關計畫執行十多年來,運作的主體(政府、非政府組織與社區民眾)常處於「由上而下」(top-down)及「由下而上」(bottom-up)的兩種關係中;這種「上下依賴關係」,常使得社區營造工作的推動是在溝通不良、資源分配不均、民眾過度依賴政府與專家的情境中進行,連帶的影響到計劃執行成效。 為深入瞭解及建立民眾參與社區總體營造計畫執行的模式,本研究透過對於苗栗縣社區規劃師運作機制長達四年的行動研究與國內外相關文獻探析,重新檢視計畫執行過程中,三主體間的互動關係、角色定位與運作模式等三項課題。研究結果發現: 一、政府、非政府組織及社區民眾應屏除傳統的「上下依賴關係」,且在形成理想的「三角互補關係」前,應先漸進的發展出「水平互動關係」方能有效推動社區營造工作。 二、非政府組織應具備「中介、潤滑與形塑」、「提升社區民眾公共參與層級」,以及「權力轉移與資源整合」的能力,以促成「水平互動關係」的建立。 三、三主體在不同階段的社造運作過程中,皆有不同的任務與角色定位,其目的是從社會生命力的復甦到培力社區民眾擁有公共事務的決策與執行權力,才能促進社區總體營造在理想中落實與執行。


Taiwan has launched a ”community overall planning” campaign since 1994. The main players, such as the government, non-governmental organizations and community residents, taking part in the campaign often maintained a ”top-down” or a ”bottom-up” relationship. The top-bottom dependency often caused the community overall planning agenda to lack of good communication and appropriate allocation of resources, and residents to over depend on the government and specialists. The impact of these problems is evidently found through former planning and performance. This study examines the four years' work of Miaoli County Community Planners Project and the relevant documents to construct a model in which the residents take part in planning and implementation of a community overall planning. The study reexamines the interactions, the roles and positions, and operation modes taken by each major player through the process of planning and implementation. The Study found three main outcomes as follows: 1. The government, NGO and community residents have abandoned the traditional ”Top-Bottom Dependent Relationship”, and also gradually developed a ”Balanced Interaction Relationship” to approach towards ”Triangle Inter-Complementary Relationship”, which enables an efficient implementation of community overall planning. 2. In order to establish a balanced interaction relationship, NGO should have the appropriate skills to mediate, lubricate and mould, and have the ability to enhance the participation level of community, and can transfer power and integrate resources. 3. At the different stages of the community overall planning, the three main players have different responsibilities and play different roles. It is an aim for community residents to cultivate a knowledge of planning and implementing communal affairs through the revival of its social vitality, and hence to promote an ideal performance of community empowerment.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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