


Strategies for Kaohsiung Local Development after WTO: An Empirical Analysis with Place Marketing and Interactive Management




馬群傑(Chun-Chieh Ma);汪明生(Ming-Shen Wang);陳建寧(Chien-Ning Chen)


高雄地方發展 ; 地區行銷 ; 互動管理 ; 增強結構 ; Kaohsiung's local development ; Interactive Management ; place marketing ; enhancement structure




18期(2006 / 03 / 01)


85 - 124




高雄市正由一個依賴重工業的都市轉型為以服務業為主的都市,失業率的增加與產業結構的調整即成為當前地區發展所面對的首要挑戰,兩岸又已於二○○二年加入世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, WTO)成為正式會員,可預見往後高雄所面臨的發展情勢必將比今日更為嚴峻。加上長期以來中央政策的推展未能結合高雄地方民意的需求,導致地方發展資源的錯置;而長期被忽視的結果也造成地方各界對地方發展事務被動冷漠,究其原因之一,乃在於地方公私部門間長期缺乏理性的溝通與互動所致。因此,在進行「地區行銷」(Place marketing)中對外招商、吸引產業與人才的同時,如何進行內部行銷以促進地區內部各界積極參與及共識達成,才是更為根本與迫切的工作。 本文先對地區行銷之發展背景及理念作一審視,再藉由區位商數分析來探求今日高雄地方產業的困境;同時透過互動管理(interactive management, IM)的研討機制歸納出「兩岸加入WTO後高雄地方發展」的十項競爭策略,並繪製增強結構(enhancement structure)圖,藉以有效釐定地區發展策略並釐清規劃盲點。研究中亦發現雖然高雄地區內部公私群體間對於地方發展策咯存有差異,但經由兩回合三階段的互動會議後公私兩群體問之認知差異已能有效降低。研究結果建議,由於面臨到地區發展資源的日趨匱乏,因此在進行策略性的地區行銷規劃時,唯有凝聚共識與釐清地方發展問題,才能將有限的資源作最有效配置。本文所介紹的方法與成果應可提供有關單位舉辦公共論壇或公民會議相關作法之參考。


Kaohsiung is transforming from a city of heavy industries into one of service industries, the rate of unemployment and adjustment of industry structure are becoming the primary challenges for local development. After WTO, moreover, Kaohsiung is expected to experience more difficult days. Meanwhile, demands of citizens in Kaohsiung are not fully corresponded to public policies made by central government, and most of the people don't care as much as should local affairs because of lack of effective communications between public and private sectors. Therefore, in city marketing efforts, it would be more important to encourage participation and integrate multiple sectors' opinions as ”internal marketing” rather than just trying to attract businesses to the city. The paper reviews the concept and background of place marketing. Then we discuss the dilemma of Kaohsiung's industries with L.Q. analysis, and to address the ”internal marketing” issue, we introduce the Interactive Management (TM) technique developed by Warfield (1994). Results of the TM analysis include ten competitive strategies for Kaohsiung's local development, and an enhancement structure diagram to demonstrate the structure of strategies. In addition, although there exist diversities of opinions among participants and stakeholders, they can be quite effectively addressed with the TM technique. Methods and results introduced and used here should be of value to relevant agencies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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