


Development without Government? Public Domain and Institutional Change in the Origin of the Nei-Hu Technology Park




麻匡復(Kuang-Fu Ma);邊泰明(Tai-Ming Ben)


公共領域 ; 制度變遷 ; 聲譽 ; 內湖科技園區 ; Public domain ; Institutional change ; Reputation ; Nei-Hu Technology Park




20期(2006 / 09 / 01)


1 - 32




本文目的在探討內湖科技園區發展過程中公共領域的浮現與引發的制度變遷。透過新制度經濟學的分析,本文指出有過去關於內科發展的「意外」與「巧合」觀點,其實是在市場力量引導下,Barzel(1997)與Webster 與Lai(2003)「公共領域」(public domain)論述的實際演進。內科的發展,起因於「內湖輕工業區輔導管理辦法」正面列舉的缺乏彈性、經濟社會環境的變遷以及法令未能即時修正,讓建商引導高科技廠商進駐的市場力量創造出內科的公共領域。臺北市政府、建商與高科技廠商在公共領域的互動,放寬內科的土地使用管制以解決高科技廠商違規使用的問題。隨著群聚效應成形,無形的「聲譽」成為市政府與廠商注重的標的,不僅成為市政府招商的樣本,也是企業形象的重要考量。而國家在內科發展過程中的逐漸弱化,對傳統國家主義的產業用地開發論述,提供了另外的思考方向。本文結論也提出,當製造業在臺灣產業結構比例越來越低,一般辦公室的需求相對而言會越來越高,再加上企業集團的全球佈局趨勢日益明顯,臺灣在企業佈局的定位將會牽動臺灣產業用地的市場需求變化,這是值得探討的內科後續研究。


This paper discusses the emergence of public domain and institutional change of Nei-Hu Technology Park (NHTP). The public domain theory, formed by market mechanism, can explain the ”coincident” and ”accidental” consensuses of NHTP. Owing to inflexibility of land use regulations and change of economical environment, developers have chances to construct illegal buildings and sell buildings to hi-tech firms. It creates the public domain. Developers, firms and Taipei municipal authority interact in the public domain so as to change the inflexible regulations. Developers and hi-tech firms require Taipei municipal authority to amend outmoded orders by lobbying, protesting and negotiation. After deregulating, many hi-tech companies agglomerate in NHTP due to the reputations of famous firms, such as BenQ, Lite-on and Compal. We conclude that, under global economic competition, change of industrial lands demand will be the major research issues of NHTP.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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