


Performance Measurement of Local Governments by Media in Taiwan: The Case Study of the Surveys by Commonwealth and the Global View Monthly




朱鎮明(Cheng-Ming Chu)


績效管理 ; 地方競爭力 ; 地方治理 ; 治理評鑑 ; performance management ; local competitiveness ; local governance ; governance measurement




26期(2008 / 03 / 01)


105 - 140




對於地方政府的評鑑,在美國、英國、歐盟等國正熱烈進行中,我國也正在設計相關制度,評比地方政府的治理能力。在制度尚未齊備之前,國內兩大具有公信力與影響力的媒體,已從民國九十二年到九十六年起,連續五年各自進行地方競爭力的評比(總計10次),實際運作的情形與運作經驗,可作為未來政府相關制度建構的參考,應予適度的肯定。 另方面,從績效管理與評鑑的理論來看,這10 次評比也有一些可以商榷與改善的地方,例如評鑑面向、指標制度的穩定度、細項指標的歸類是否妥適、民調與統計數字的適當比例等等,都可以與學界及官方進行討論商議。最重要的是,本文以為,如每年評鑑系統與指標不太穩定,很難對地方政府產生引導學習與改善的作用,確認變革與策進的標竿。媒體可以諮商民間、學者與受評地方政府代表,建立符合社會需求的制度化評鑑指標與體系。 最後,政府有關單位可以考慮與兩份雜誌合作,提供對於指標的官方論點與經費協助、行文各地方政府鼓勵配合評比、或是日後類似的官方調查可委由媒體進行報導與寫作,或是參考這兩份雜誌辦理評鑑過程的特點,據以設計中央對地方政府的評鑑制度。正如治理理論所說,提升地方福祉與競爭力,是利害關係人集體責任,政府既然為地方評比是未來的政策方向,就可認可民間的調查,而將重心放在治理能力的評鑑。換言之,未來官方的縣市評鑑制度與政策設計所需珍貴的資訊,繫於兩份雜誌的寶貴執行經驗。


Given the growing importance of performance management, public-policy planners in Taiwan are designing and building the mechanism of performance measurement for 25 local governments. This paper attempts to discuss the results of two magazines in Taiwan-the Commonwealth (天下雜誌) and the Global View Monthly (遠見雜誌). Both of them individually have executed five surveys for the past years. The experience and comparison of several surveys indeed shed some light on the mechanism-building of performance measurement. However, those surveys executed by media still focused on local competitiveness. We use the concepts of performance measure, governance and participation of stakeholders to identify the strengths and weakness, and suggest the two media should consult local stakeholder and scholars to modify their methods, and criteria. In addition, the suggestions also contain collaboration or resource-exchange between media and government, which will has more chance to success in executing performance management.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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