
A Study on Public Servants' Learning and Behavior Change-A Social Interaction Perspective






高文彬(Wen-Bing Gau);傅岳邦(Yueh-Pang Fu)


實務社群 ; 公務人員 ; 非正式學習 ; communities of practice ; public servant ; informal learning




30期(2009 / 03 / 01)


1 - 32




一個官僚色彩濃厚的公部門組織經常被人詬病為效率不彰,然而研究者主張即使被認為是怠散的公部門組織環境,仍然能夠培養出有用的學習。本研究目的在探索公務人員與同事互動、與環境互動的學習因素,並將之重新概念化。這樣的論點主要築基於個人學習仰賴社會過程,而互動過程中參與者的相互投入與實務分享乃是啟動學習的契機。本研究指出公部門組織還是能激發出其各自獨特的學習,此發現對於其他類型組織的學習機制將有他山之石的效果。 本研究採用質性研究法,並以實務社群概念作為理論基礎。受訪公務人員計有42 名,為中部辦公室員工,接受半結構式訪談。本研究認為學習是一種社會實踐,隨著人際網絡以及特定的日常活動而逐漸被激發出來。研究者因此歸納出三大關鍵,包括領導、共同價值,以及學習網絡。而此三大關鍵以共同價值為核心,其與社會交換、人際網絡、相互比較、團隊認同交互運作,而使個人被捲入整個學習的歷程。


A bureaucratic public sector is usually regarded by Taiwanese people as an inefficient organization. We question the notion that the sluggish environment can also cultivate useful learning. This study aims to re-conceptualize the key elements which trigger knowledge communities, with reference to the way public servants interact with their colleagues and their environment. It attempts to build on the view that individuals' learning in bureaucratic organizations can be triggered by social processes emanating from their mutual engagements and shared practices. This study leads to the conclusion that the public sector, as exemplified in this study, can nevertheless promote interactions favorable to learning. It may teach useful lessons for other sorts of organization. The claim is supported by qualitative data associated with introducing and discussing the concept of communities of practice. In order to focus on particular issues and to explore further reality from varied angles, the semi-structured interview method was employed. 42 public servants in the central government in Taiwan were interviewed. This research supports the view that learning is a social practice and that its motivation grows out of the interaction between interpersonal networks and daily sense-making activities. Based on this argument, the researchers trace 3 keys in relation to the leadership, the common value and the appropriate networks for learning. The argument is that learning is a by-product of social interactions. Considering the concept of social exchange, interpersonal networks, making comparisons with others and being accepted by the group, individuals are directed by the common value and are involved in learning processes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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