


Performance Indicators for Outsourcing Public Vocational Training Programs: A Case of BEVT




鄭錫鍇(His-Kai Cheng);廖洲棚(Zhou-Peng Liao)


公共職業訓練 ; 績效評估指標 ; 方案評估 ; CIPP評估模式 ; 委外 ; public vocational training ; performance evaluation indicator ; program evaluation ; CIPP ; outsourcing




30期(2009 / 03 / 01)


33 - 62






Public Vocational Training becomes a popular policy tool for assisting the government in handling unemployment problem in recent years. According to the tide of reinventing government, public managers try to use private resources for providing more competitive and efficient services. As this result, outsourcing public vocational training is brought into vogue by this reinventing reform. For responding the followed management challenges, the Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training (BEVT) contracted performance evaluation to private sector and hopes this can use more practical perspective to evaluate private vocational training centers' performance. This study not only evaluates this outsourcing evaluation program of BEVT, but also uses multiple research methods to build up outsourcing public vocational training performance indicators. The author try to introduce some useful methodology based analysis procedure and methods, in order to provide some helpful suggestions for practitioners.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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