


Executive Compensation in Nonprofit Organizations: Focusing on the Study of Social Welfare Foundations in Taiwan




官有垣(Yu-Yuan Kuan);杜承嶸(Cherng-Rong Duh);康峰菁(Feng-Ching Kang)


非營利部門 ; 基金會 ; 執行長 ; 薪酬 ; 組織規模 ; 宗教 ; 性別 ; nonprofit sector ; foundations ; executive directors ; compensation ; organizational size ; religious affiliation ; gender differences




30期(2009 / 03 / 01)


63 - 103






In this paper, we mainly examine the determinants of nonprofit executive compensation by focusing on the study of social welfare type foundations in Taiwan, which include social welfare & charity, educational affairs and health affairs. Data used in this study is from our 2006-2007 NSC research project titled ”The Governance of the Nonprofit Sector in Taiwan-The Examination of the Role Played by Executive Directors.” The results of this study indicate that, as in the for-profit sector, the salaries of nonprofit executive directors depend upon the organization's size, although the impact is rather moderate. Among nonprofits, both religious affiliation and gender difference show no significant effect on executive compensation levels.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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