


The Implementation of ZCPE Policy by the Teacher of Taipei City's Junior High School: Legitimacy Perspective




陳恒鈞(Hen-Chin Chen);洪健哲(Chien-Che Hung)


政策設計 ; 正當性 ; 零體罰教育政策 ; 政策執行能力 ; 台北市立國中教師 ; policy design ; legitimacy deficit ; ZCPE ; implementation capacity ; teacher of Taipei City's junior high school




33期(2009 / 12 / 01)


45 - 81




眾所皆知,一項政策即使是以有效的方式執行,最終也可能因為正當性的不足而宣告失敗,我國所推動的零體罰教育政策即是一例。為證明該項說法,本文遂運用正當性觀點,以台北市立國中教師為對象進行探討。 正當性具備與否逐漸成為政策設計時的考量要素。進言之,政策設計的實質內容,以及決策時所採取的程序步驟,深深影響政策利害關係人,乃至一般大眾對該項政策所持的態度與支持。儘管這兩項要素無法充分說明正當性對政策設計的重要性,惟針對個案而言,本文認為這兩要素攸關該項政策之推動,主因是欠缺正當性,受政策影響者的政策接受度將逐日漸減,連帶影響政策目標的達成度。 據此,本文首先進行理論探討,說明政策設計正當性對政策執行之影響;其次,運用文獻分析法,將零體罰教育政策發展曆程,劃分為五個階段進行探討;繼而運用半結構式訪談法,冀能獲得基層國中教師對零體罰政策的看法,藉以確定六項影響因素。最後,依據六項因素設計問卷,同時運用多元迴歸法,進行實證分析,檢證政策設計正當性要素對政策執行能力之影響。 研究結果顯示:(一)政策設計要素六項自變數中,與零體罰政策執行能力具有正向顯著性影響者,分別是:「問題建構明確度」、「目標與工具適合度」、「政策目標可行性」、「環境系絡契合度」及「執行人員認知接受度」等五項;(二)另一方面,由於專家、學者與技術官僚未能充分接受第一線教師的意見,以致「政策參與管道暢通度」與零體罰政策執行能力為負向顯著關係。


It is known even a policy is implemented and achieves its objectives in an efficient and effective way; the policy can fail in terms of legitimacy. The Zero Corporal Punishment Educational (ZCPE) Policy, which was executed in Taiwan, as an example. To testify, this paper applies the perspective of policy design for legitimacy deficit to explore the policy's implementation capacity. More detail, the substantive elements of policy and the procedural steps elements taken by decision makers affect the perception of policy legitimacy held by the stakeholders and the general public. Even these two elements do not exhaust the entire range of possible factors having a significant influence on legitimacy deficits, they are particularly important, since failure in policy legitimacy may subsequently hinder the long-term goals of decision makers by eroding society's acceptance of their legitimate claims to govern. In doing so, this paper first of all explores the theory of policy design for legitimacy. Secondary, using documentary analysis and pre-interview with the main stakeholders, especially the teachers, the results point out six causes that make legitimacy deficits appear and its significant factors. Besides, it also applies the core concepts to design the outline of interview. Finally, the paper further uses the multi-regression method to test the related hypothesis. The findings in terms of legitimacy deficit can be summarized as follows: (1) the question construction accuracy, the policy goal and the tool relevance, the policy goal feasibility, the context of environment, and the cognition of implementers have an significant and positive influence on the implementation capacity of the Zero Corporal Punishment Educational Policy, (2) since experts and technocracy cannot be appreciated the importance of teachers' participation; the participation channel has a significant but negative influence on the policy's implementation capacity

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