


Managing Romantic Relationships in Organizations: Problems and Suggestions




黃煥榮(Huan-Jung Huang)


工作場所戀情 ; 性騷擾 ; 性徇私 ; 禁止交往政策 ; 隱私權 ; workplace romance ; sexual harassment ; sexual favoritism ; anti-fraternization policy ; rights of privacy




36期(2010 / 09 / 01)


125 - 153






The combination of a gender-mixed workplace and time spent at the workplace has the effect of conjuring up human emotions that often give birth to romance between co-workers and between subordinates and their supervisors. The romantic relationships in organizational settings are worth of research by scholars, because they may affect the conduct of work by individuals, groups and organizations. What should the employer consider when deciding whether and to what extent it should control romantic relationships between supervisors and subordinates and among co-workers? This paper addresses some of the social and legal issues surrounding these relationships First, We illustrate a link among workplace romance, sexual favoritism and sexual harassment. Secondly, based on this theoretical connection, we try to explore and compare different anti-fraternization policies to balance stakeholders' interests while simultaneously protecting both the employer and the employee. Finally, we address managerial implications of the management of romantic relationships in organizations and further research direction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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