


Factors Affecting Global E-governance Development: An Application of Policy Diffusion Theory




李仲彬(Chung-Pin Lee)


政策擴散 ; 電子治理 ; 比較公共政策 ; 社會科技理論 ; 科技決定論 ; policy diffusion ; e-governance ; comparative public policy ; socio-technical theory ; technology determinism




36期(2010 / 09 / 01)


39 - 89




在資訊化與全球化的浪潮之下,政府間的政策採用與擴散現象,在學術界或是實務界都已有頗多討論。理論上,此議題是比較公共政策(comparative public policy)的延伸,與政策學習概念有密不可分的關係;實務上,影響政策選擇與發展的因素,更是政策過程相當重要的關鍵。本文主要目的是以政府業務電子化發展為個案,探討全球各國電子治理發展的解釋模型,主要研究問題為什麼因素影響電子化政府與電子民主參與的發展? 研究結果顯示,包含網路應用程度、全球化程度、人力資本指數、自由程度、相鄰國家發展程度、國民生產毛額…等,都與電子化成效有正向的顯著關係。網路應用程度越高電子化政府發展越好,在專制獨裁型國家的影響效果高於總統制國家;全球化程度越高電子化發展越好,尤其在剛開始發展電子化的國家中。電子化民主參與方面,自由程度是電子化民主參與能否從低階發展到進階的重要因素;網路應用程度與人力資本指數,對高度電子民主參與發展的國家而言是重要的影響因素;相鄰國家的成績越好,發展電子化的動機越強,且影響力量隨著電子化發展成效的上升而加強;最後,經濟條件所產生的影響集中在那些剛開始發展電子化的國家中。 本文依據研究發現,建議各國政府放棄追求一體適用的全球性架構,停止國際名次的追求,建構以地方為中心、使用者為導向的電子化措施。整體而言,本文的貢獻為全球化與資訊化環境底下的政策發展理論,提供了新的實證資料與解釋,也對長期以來科技決定論與社會科技主義兩者平衡提供了一個穩固的基礎。


Both e-government and e-participation have been recognized as worldwide trends. Many studies offer e-government development models that are based on intellectual speculation rather than data from empirical observation. This paper aims to construct e-government and e-participation development models by using a panel data analysis and quantile regression analysis. The findings show that the competition pressure from the neighboring countries, the degree of globalization, human capital index, freedom index, the percentage of internet users, and GDP all have positive associations with e-government and e-participation performance. It is also interesting to note that there are some important differences noticed in the different stages of the conditional distribution of e-government and e-participation. While the effect of competition pressure is not significant for all countries, the results show that it is significant for countries classified as highly developed. The freedom degree has a positive significant effect on countries that have developed higher e-participation and shows no association with countries that are less developed in the area of e-participation. The competition pressure has a higher effect on a presidential system than a parliamentary system and the degree of globalization produce higher pressure on a parliamentary system than on a presidential system. A key factor for the early development of e-participation is citizen needs, but for the further maintenance of c-participation, this factor must be coupled with the degree of societal freedom. In conclusion, this research argues that both e-government and e-participation development do not have a generally agreed upon global framework. Taiwan should focus on local citizens needs; give up the pursuit of the title of world leader: and rebuild the e-policy vision.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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