


Content Analysis of Administrators' and Legislators' Discourse in Policy Legitimation-Deliberative Democracy Perspective




劉姵吟(Pei-Yin Liu);黃東益(Tong-Yi Huang)


審議民主 ; 政策合法化 ; 內容分析 ; 立法院 ; 政策論述 ; deliberative democracy ; policy legitimation ; content analysis ; the Legislative Yuan ; policy discourse




38期(2011 / 03 / 01)


1 - 47






Policy legitimation is the prerequisite of policy implementation. Under the representative democracy, policy legitimation results from the interaction between administrators and legislators. And they should strengthen the legitimacy and quality of decision-making by deliberative discourse. However, this process is ignored by the academia in the past. This study investigates the policy legitimation discourse from the perspective of deliberative democracy, specifically from the aspects of diversity, reciprocity, respect, and reasonableness. The author selected the processes of amending the University Act and the Private School Law by comparative study of cases, and used the content analysis as the research method. The results show the attributes such as reciprocity, diversity, respect, and reasonableness in the legislators' policy legitimation discourse have a great room for improvement. Administrators are always conservative and passive, and there is a lack of the reasonableness in the discourse. The difference between legislators and administrators' discourses may relate to respective institutional roles. Accordingly, this study suggests current system should give legislators more incentives to interact with each other, and to promote the deliberative spirit of the discourse. The institution should encourage administrators to be more active in making arguments, to enhance reasonableness and exert more influence. This study also gives suggestions to further studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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