This article takes the viewpoints of governance structure to apply to governance of local infrastructure by BOT modes which is divided into the mixed models of quasi-market or quasi-firms. Next, transaction cost and the strength of asset specificity are the bases to study the governance performance to understand the achievements of BOT program and prove which model is adequate to operate and promote BOT projects.
This study design focuses on 18 local infrastructure projects to assume 6 criteria of practicability, desirability, easily financing, low risk, remuneration, and manufactures' intentions as the performance index, two criteria of easily financing (low uncertainty) and low risks (low asset specificity) as the low transaction costs index. The research method is to ask experts and scholars for opinions by Delphi method and look for consistency, cluster analysis and hierarchical regression are used to verify the results.
The findings show that the local infrastructure promoted by BOT such as hospitals, parking lots, Columbarium Pagodas, Resort hotels, Amusement parks, labor housing and Incinerators, etc. have higher performances. U test shows that it has significant differences in relative efficiency. The hierarchical regression shows that transaction cost has high explanatory power. The abovementioned projects are inclined to the property of quasi-market model, and manifest lower asset specificity causes lower transaction cost.
The sections of low transaction cost and high performance are verified by cluster analysis. The cluster classification of two observing objects is the same and has high explanatory power which shows low transaction is the reason for the program to achieve high performances.
The conclusion of the operation governed by BOT modes is that the projects of low asset specificity is suitable for quasi-market model and the projects of high asset specificity is suitable for the mixed model of quasi-firms which stands for the theoretical proposition of governance structure.
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