


A Study on the Cognition of Public Participation in Local Cultural Creative Industry Policy




馬群傑(Chun-Chieh Ma)


文化創意產業 ; 公眾參與 ; 理性 ; 直覺 ; 認知續線理論 ; public participation ; cultural creative industry ; rational ; intuitive ; Cognitive Continuum Theory




40期(2011 / 09 / 01)


1 - 41




決策制定是公共政策研究中的重要課題之一。然而,決策制定者究竟採行何種認知決策途徑,才能切合政策利害關係人的認知需求,國內公共政策研究中卻較少探討。因此,本研究即聚焦於公共政策中的理性與直覺(超理性)決策制定途徑,探討多元決策者在進行決策制定時,所執持認知分析型態與其分歧程度。臺南市擁有國內傳統特有的古蹟文化資產,然而,地區公私群體對於地方文化產業發展意見卻莫衷一是。為求瞭解公私群體的認知型式與認知差異,期以釐清地方公私群體間的決策制定認知途徑,本研究即以臺南市為研究範圍,採取理性與直覺決策制定途徑分析。研究先針對國內地區文化產業發展現況進行分析比較,再透過認知續線理論(Cognitive Continuum Theory,CCT)的社會準實驗,深入了解多元群體對臺南市地方文化產業發展政策的認知取向。研究發現,首先,國內文創產業的資源分布具有相當程度的地域落差。其次,以CCT進行本土性文創產業政策的探究乃具備研究方法上的可行性、嚴謹性與適當性。再者,透過準實驗的量化衡量方法檢測,研究者乃足以將地方發展群體之認知模式與政策偏好歧異進行具體釐清與完整展現。由此,本研究方法與成果應可提供予未來地方文創產業政策決策者,裨益其進行公眾參與認知差異的有效解構,並達成由根本上化解因決策變數修改而引致公共決策衝突之最終目的。


Since decision making is one of the most important topics on the research of public policy, there has been relatively little effort devoted in exploring the cognition of policy stakeholders in Taiwan. Under such circumstances, this study focuses on modes and degrees of diversity of cognition with the rational and intuitive approach while making decisions. Tainan is transforming into a livable place with traditional cultural uniqueness. However, demands of citizens in Tainan are not fully corresponded to public policies made by public sectors. In order to recognize the modes and degrees of diversity of cognition of public and private stakeholders in Tainan, the study proceeds through exploring the rational and intuitive decision-making approach. To sum up, the study describes situations of the cultural creative industry development policies in Tainan and illustrate the competitive strengths. Then we introduce and testify the Cognitive Continuum Theory (CCT) in the quasi-experiment of cultural creative industry development of Tainan. Results of this study are as followed. First, there exist gaps of resources of cultural industry between cities in Taiwan. Second, studies on domestic policies of cultural creative industry with the application of CCT would be of much feasibility, conscientiousness and suitability. Third, we can figure out the models of cognitions and differences of preferences on local development policy by adopting quasi-experiment research designs. The method and results should be of benefit to decision-makers engaging in local cultural creative industry policy, so as to de-structuring the differences of cognition of public participation effectively and condensing conflicts between multiple decision-makers and achieving the goal of predicting conflicts caused by variables.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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