


The Urgent Needs of Forward-looking Policies to Develop Renewable Energy in Taiwan- the Enlightenment from Germany




劉明德(Ming-Te Liu);徐玉珍(Yu-Chen Hsu)


再生能源 ; 太陽光電 ; 能源政策 ; 環境政策 ; 永續發展 ; Environmental Policy ; Energy Policy ; Photovoltaic (PV) ; Renewable Energy ; Sustainable Development




43期(2012 / 09 / 01)


127 - 150






Energy in Taiwan is scarce. More than 99% of the energy in Taiwan is imported mostly from the politically unstable Middle East. The emissions from fossil fuel combustion gases have been recognized as the main cause of global climate change. And the rising prices of crude oil have great impact on the country's economy and people's lives. In view of this, most countries are committed to the development of renewable energy. Among them, Germany plays a leading role. Of the development of renewable energy in Germany, Freiburg's solar industry enjoys most outstanding success. The effectiveness is not only salient in the provision of green energy, but also in the development of related industries, which has resulted in the increase of the number of visitors and promoting local population growth. Although this successful experience is based on solar energy, it has potential to be applied to other renewable energy development. This paper investigated the essential factors of Freiburg's successful experience, which can provide a useful reference for Taiwan.The result indicated that, Freiburg's successful elements in solar industry include: supports from the federal government's policy, people's environmental awareness and the public sense of crisis, promotion by both the local government and parliament, public participation, complete clusters of knowledge in the industry value chain, consistent execution and so forth. In planning forward-looking renewable energy policies and strategies, authorities in concern should therefore learn from Freiburg's successful experience.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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