


An Empirical Study of Impact of PSM on Work Satisfaction and Willingness to Exert Effort in Tainan City Government: Person/Organization Fit as a Moderating Variable




吳宗憲(Chuang-Hsien Wu)


公共服務動機 ; 個人∕組織配適度 ; 工作努力意願 ; 代理人理論 ; 工作滿意度 ; Public Service Motivation ; Person-Organization Fit ; Willingness to Exert Effort ; Agent Theory ; Work Satisfaction




43期(2012 / 09 / 01)


91 - 126






People normally have an impression on our public servants for lacking spirits of compassion and self-sacrifice. They consider it the reason of low governmental service efficiency. Therefore, it is believed that if public servants possess the spirit of compassion, the efficacy would easily improve. In this article, by conducting an empirical survey on the Tainan City Government staff, we find that, in fact, most of our subjects have high public service motivation (PSM). However, recent academic articles show that PSM not only brings positive effects, but also negative ones. The latter includes ”alternative principle-agent problem” and ”low effort”. In the result, we could not verify that PSM leads to the negative effects.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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