Climate change and energy security have become a driving force for recent energy transitions. Many countries have recognized the importance of developing renewable energy to diversify the sources of energy supply. Public acceptance of renewable energy technologies and solar energy, in particular, has been widely acknowledged as one of the major issues in the adoption process so as to incorporate overall social needs with views from the local community. This paper attempts to answer the following questions: What are the challenges emerging from the local context during the implementation process? What are the major factors in influencing the design and implementation of the rooftop solar PV policy in Kaohsiung, one of the model cities in generating solar power? Apart from reviewing the development of the renewable energy policy in Taiwan, this paper discusses the limits and challenges of existing energy governance and institutional arrangement. The study finds that the outdated building codes, the complexity of architectural style, lifestyles, the amount of red tape involved, and the lack of a financial mechanism could hinder the development of local renewable energy. In addition, the central government’s policy for renewable energy, energy governance and decision-making would affect the praxis of local renewable and development paths.
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