


Performance Paradox after Collaborative Decision-Making: Lessons from the Gender Impact Assessment and Eco-checklist Initiatives in Taiwan




彭渰雯(Yen-Wen Peng);林依依(Yi-Yi Lin);楊和縉(Ho-Chin Yang)


協力治理 ; 績效管理 ; 績效弔詭 ; 課責 ; 雙圈學習 ; collaborative governance ; performance management ; performance paradox ; accountability ; double-loop learning




54期(2018 / 03 / 01)


41 - 78






Under the tendency of democratization, the model of collaborative governance through which NGOs participate in policy decision-making process is becoming more widely recognized and valued by the public sector. However, could a policy plan produced through a collaborative process really bring progressive ideas into to a bureaucratic system? Or does it just produce more formalist paperwork? Existing literatures often focus on the necessary institutional arrangements or interpersonal factors contributing to the success of collaborative governance. Few studies assess the actual process of implementation and evaluation after a collaborative decision is made. This study uses the Gender Impact Assessment and the Eco-checklist initiatives in Taiwan as two cases to address the above-mentioned concerns. In particular, it reviews how both tools initiated by collaborative efforts between the government and NGOs are enacted in practice. Using content analysis and in-depth interview approaches, this paper reveals how both initiatives encountered "performance paradoxes." More than half of the GIA and Ecological checklist reports were unable to survive our evaluation in terms of representation, quality participation, and responsiveness, but these problems were not identified in the result-based performance management mechanism. More seriously, there were unintended and deliberate performance paradoxes that need to be addressed at the normative level, namely by replacing or revising the idea of performance management per se. In conclusion, the authors emphasize that the discussion on collaborative governance should place more attention at the implementation as well as the institutional levels, and efforts should be put into collaborative innovation of a learning-oriented, dialogue-based accountability system.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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