


Decomposing the Factors of Citizens' Policy Preferences for Nuclear Energy in Taiwan: An Integrated Framework




張鐙文(Teng-Wen Chang);黃東益(Tong-Yi Huang);李仲彬(Chung-Pin Lee)


風險社會 ; 科技風險 ; 風險感知 ; 核電政策偏好 ; 風險溝通 ; risk society ; technology risk ; risk perception ; policy preference of nuclear energy ; risk communication




58期(2020 / 03 / 01)


1 - 54






Nuclear energy is one of the most salient and controversial technological risks in modern society. The reasons for this stem from its characteristics of low-probability and high-consequence. Recent disasters, such as the one in Fukushima, Japan, have also further exacerbated citizen concerns over nuclear technology. In light of these developments, the understanding of the reasons behind public preferences toward nuclear energy is a necessary step toward implementing energy policies that can best approximate citizen expectations and national needs. In order to bridge past research deficiencies, this research has combined the point of view of technology risk and environmentalism in the construction of an integrative framework. Empirical data on public opinion were utilized to identify the variables behind citizens’ nuclear energy policy preferences. The results may serve as references for the implementation of Taiwan’s nuclear energy risk communication. The adjusted coefficient of determination of the model is 47.5%. The results revealed that citizens’ knowledge on policy issues, trust in government, price tolerance of electricity, environmental belief in nuclear energy and risk perception all have significant influences on the formulation of policy preferences. Risk perception was proven to function as an immediate variable whose influence allows trust in the government, price tolerance of electricity and environmental belief in nuclear energy, to have direct and indirect effects on policy preference. These findings have rarely been discussed or verified by past studies. This research suggests that the government should restructure its approaches to risk management and communication, thereby learning to analyze and comprehend the crux of the problem through the point of view of stakeholders. The government should also design and open up different types of communication and participation channels, allowing stakeholders to engage in the discussions and decision processes of nuclear energy policies. Communication should not be limited to the interagency or interparty levels. Only when the dual problems of approach restructuring and stakeholder communication are addressed will tangible improvements be made.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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